Cognitive Performance Lab
J5. Saravanan, P., Jones, S.L., Weston, C., McGarity, T., Mulcahy, A., Sasangohar, F. (2023) “Using the Delphi technique and critical decisions method to derive nursing student training requirements for sepsis detection in adult patients,” Under-review in Applied Ergonomics.
J4. Saravanan, P., Nisar, T., Zhang, Q., Masud, F., & Sasangohar, F. (2023) “Occupational stress and burnout among intensive care unit nurses during the pandemic: A prospective longitudinal study of nurses in COVID and non-COVID units,” Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1129268.
J3. Saravanan, P., & Menold, J. (2023) “Mining Literature to Identify Factors Influencing Prosthetic Prescription and Rehabilitation of Persons with Lower-Limb Amputations,” JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 35(3), 131-138.
J2. Saravanan, P., Masud, F., Kash, B. A., & Sasangohar, F. (2022) “Investigating burn-out contributors and mitigators among intensive care unit nurses during COVID-19: a focus group interview study,” BMJ Open, 12(12), e065989.
J1. Saravanan, P., & Menold, J. (2022) “Deriving effective decision-making strategies of prosthetists: Using hidden Markov modeling and qualitative analysis to compare experts and novices,” Human Factors, 64(1), 188-206.
C11. Choudhury, N. A., Karunathilake, S., Wheeler, D., Condley, R., & Saravanan, P. (2024) "Identifying Parenting Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey-Based Study." In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - 68th Annual Meeting.
C10. Choudhury, N. A., & Saravanan, P. (2024) "Identifying the Causes and Effects of Decision Fatigue through a Systematic Review." In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - 68th Annual Meeting.
C9. Zhang, Q., Sasangohar, F., Saravanan, P., Ahmadi, N., Nisar, T., Danesh, V., & Masud, F. (2023) “Exploring cognitive stress-related tasks of Intensive Care Unit nurses – A comparison study,” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society – 67th Annual Meeting.
C8. Zhang, Q., Saravanan, P., Sasangohar, F., & Ahmadi, N. (2022) “Real-time stress monitoring for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses,” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society – 66th Annual Meeting.
C7. Saravanan, P., & Menold, J. (2021) “Developing an evidence-based clinical decision-support system to enhance prosthetic prescription,” International Symposium of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare.
C6. Mahajan, N., Saravanan, P., & Menold, J. (2021) “Using simulations to study the impact of transtibial amputations on long-term health of intact limb,” International Symposium of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare.
C5. Mahan, T., Saravanan, P., Krishnakumar, S., Nolte, H., McComb, C., & Menold, J. (2021), “When the Going Gets Tough: Exploring Changes in the Startup Landscape Due to the Challenges of 2020,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
C4. Saravanan, P., Walker, M. & Menold, J. (2020) “Developing Training Tools for Clinicians in LICs: Using Hidden Markov Modeling to Study the Decision-Making Strategies of Expert and Novice Prosthetists,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
C3. Walker, M., Saravanan, P. & Menold, J. (2020) “Developing Training Tools for Clinicians in LICs: A Qualitative Investigation of the Patient Factors that Influence Prosthetic Prescription,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
C2. Saravanan, P., Yao, J. & Menold, J. (2020) “Portable Gait Analysis System with an Integration of Kinect Sensor and Inertial Measurement Units,” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: Health-Care Symposium Proceedings.
C1. Saravanan, P., Hipple, C., Wang, J., McComb, C., & Menold, J. (2019) “Decision-Making in the Prescription of Orthotics and Prosthetics for Partial-Foot Amputees,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.